The design stage lays the foundation for the entire project. Taking the time to flesh out all-foreseeable options during this stage will provide a solid foundation for executing the build stage, and so forth. Our approach to design has three steps: 


Requirements Gathering

First, we must understand our clients’ business objectives as a whole and what goals the client would like the project to meet. At a minimum, this step is accomplished through analysis of company literature and current programs and face-to-face meetings.


User Interface

The front-end design of a product is equally important to the back end that supports it. Working from knowledge gained during requirements gathering, an interface is designed that is intuitive to the users' needs and quickly guides them through system processes.



A good design must be backed up by comprehensive engineering specifications. Programmers will be provided with detailed specifications of the project environment; including its goals, user interface standards, and functionality; down to the most rare instance.


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